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I remember when we were young,
To the days of sweets on tongue.
Shuffling into high school class,
We picked a girl to wear the sash.
While we learned and turned the page,
A bout a billion hormones rage.

I left a senior, emerged a fresh,
To pick a life, with my best guess.
I took a shot at freedom dues,
To serve with soldiers on the news.
Now I'm back, back in school,
Finals, coffee, majors dual.

I'm close to meeting expectations,
Through a thousand applications.
I need the job to pay the rent,
So I may dwell on my youth spent.
A Monday comes to start the week,
Where excitements left to seek.

My heart rates up, eye contact,
But would she even txt me back?
Txting, tweeting, a modern waltz,
To date and quiz each other's faults.
A Facebook feed of friends and rings,
Reminding me that time has wings.

It's ten PM so I'm yawning,
About a day's end that is dawning.
It's nice to hold hands, no more phone,
Save the club, let's stay home.
Remember life when we were young?
I tell you now, it's re-begun.