Houston and John Paul.

Progress report.

HTML5 and CSS3 are pretty much grasped. Random tags I need to remember but that comes with daily practice. I find that just skipping a few days w/o practicing leaves me seriously handicapped. Fittingly enough I made a cat photo page. Maybe that has to do with a Garfield looking cat crawling across my laptop when ever I am trying to work... damn you Mittens! Swift 2 will have to wait. Alvin(dog) almost knocked over my Macbook the other day. It's as if these animals have conspired against me.

Been really unmotivated to code lately. Programmers tend to be introverts so they aren't exactly jumping to meet people like me(non-programmer obnoxious type). I stopped going to meet ups because they seem to be a waste of time. Everyone there is either just a spectator or doesn't even code or worse. Just as Chris Hawkes said, "It's like a circle jerk of intellectuals practicing their extensive vocabulary". There is so much talk here in Houston about founding great tech companies and yet all everyone wants to do is just talk. I don't want to sit around and talk about other peoples accomplishments. I want to build something. UGh... Where are you back-end Developer???  Justin Kan and Garry Tan (2 of my biggest SV peeps) said these meet ups are a waste of time as well. I messaged them and they said, yeah F that, stay home & practice Swift 2. I did.

Anyway, I started running again. I run at Memorial Park on the west side of Houston almost everyday. There or the Heights. Typically 3-4 miles. I'm averaging 8 minute miles. I need to be down at 6 mins and push it up to 6 miles. The goal is 45 miles a week. I'll get there. If I could describe my run it starts off at the stretching area. Of course as a minimalist I started running with just shorts. I run one lap and I am finding a rhythm. I see the same faces giving the nod when I do. Not that I am terribly competitive, but I don't like getting passed. If I'm getting passed I feel like I am slowing down and that's not where I want to be. So far I'm only passed by 2 males. One of them in his younger 20's and the other is in his 60's I'm thinking, possible pro, definitely an alpha. I might start off in the other direction because I don't want to run with sunglasses but the sun gives me a mild headache running into it. So  wont go on another fitness tangent... BUT, I noticed that on my last mile I had a surge in energy to finish really strong and that is probably due to the fact that I am getting use to running the same lap. I guess I'm not pushing as hard mid way or something. I'll have to branch out. But running on asphalt is a nogo for me. Hmm, I'll figure something out later.

Enough about my fitness goals that mean nothing to you. So I've been seriously contemplating applying to Y Combinator. I need a back-end developer though. I may know just enough of Swift 2 to finally get the beta working. Could possibly code raid it together. In either case I still need traction before I go YC with a consumer app.

This whole VR/AR things is cutting into my sleep. The barriers to entry are what I would call "way too pricey". With the licensing agreements developers are afraid to touch it with a 10 foot pole. Upon some research I found that the fine print is not so different then that of IOS. Either way the reason so many people have iphones and androids is because while they may not be cheap, they come heavily discounted with service agreements thereby creating a great platform for Developers. I don't see that happening with these wearables, some of which require expensive PCs or gaming consoles. Speaking of wearables. I may get some type of fitness tracker. I don't know if the Fit bit is for me because if I'm gonna wear a wrist strap it better at least show me the time. Wait let me check to see if there is a premium fitbit that does. ----4 minutes later-- ok so upon further review the fit bit actually seems pretty cool. The Flex and Surge model are both something I might have to check out. I wonder if there is something wrong with the bracelet mechanism, I have found at lest 3 on the ground in the past few months and I always manage to find out who they belong to and return it. Hmm, I hope they did the honest thing and disclosed that some of the walking on their stats was from a stranger(me).... And I'm talking fitness again. My bad.

 BTW, add me on Snapchat and Twitter @JohnBScholar